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Swiss German, known as "Schwiizerdütsch," is a fascinating linguistic tapestry that weaves together the cultural and regional diversity of Switzerland. Unlike the standard German spoken in Germany, Swiss German encompasses a variety of dialects, each unique to its canton or region, offering a rich palette of linguistic nuances that reflect the country's multifaceted identity.

Grüezi & Adieu

"Grüezi" is the formal way of greeting someone in Zurich. If you already know someone, you might use "Hoi" or "Ciao" instead. 

"Adieu" is the formal way of saying goodbye. To friends we say "Tschüss". 

Äxgüsi & Danke

"Äxgüsi" or "Entschuldigung" or short "Tschuldigung" both mean sorry if you want to apologize, and can both also be used to get someones attention. 

"Danke" or "Merci" mean "Thank you". 

Zmorge, Zmittag, Znacht

"Zmorge" meaning breakfast, 

"Zmittag" meaning lunch, and

"Znacht" meaning dinner, are almost as important as... 

Znüni and Zvieri

"Znüni" which means the snack or second breakfast you have around 9 o'clock ("nüün" = nine), typically consisting of coffee and a "Gipfeli" (croissant), and

"Zvieri" which is the afternoon snack around 4 o'clock ("vier" = four) and usually includes another coffee and "öpis Süesses" (something sweet).

Check out our Brunch & Café Guide for some of Zurichs most iconic Znüni- and Zvieri-Spots.

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