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Welcome to Zurich
We are proud to be your host in the city we call our home: Zurich.
For those who are eager to explore Zurich's hidden gems, this site is designed to provide you with comprehensive organizational information, insider tips, and our most personal recommendations that promise to enrich your stay.
Wishing you a wonderful stay in the city we call our home. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions:
Wicki Partners AG
Stockerstrasse 44
8002 Zürich
Balthasar Wicki: +41 79 611 12 10
Arife Asipi: +41 43 322 1508
Badia Kotaich: +41 43 322 1562
Opening Hours
We are available at our offices during regular office hours. However, if you have any questions during your stay in Zurich, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.
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